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Leven in de middeleeuwen

Een queeste voor de brugklas van scholen met tweetalig onderwijs

De kooplieden
Good day, Traveler. I am Samuel and I make my living as a cloth merchant. I live in a town with my lovely wife, Esther, our nine-year-old son, Michael, my journeyman, David, and my apprentice, Jeffrey. I weave fine cloth for the wealthy members of the nobility and I also import silk and velvet from the Far East. Michael is already learning my trade and will one day become a cloth merchant and inherit my business.

As a merchant, I can tell you all about trade and travel and merchant's guilds. I also know a great deal about town life since I have lived in one for a bit. I have seen much of the world and know of the many inventions and discoveries that have happened in recent years. Or perhaps you would like me to show you some links to other resources? 'Tis your choice, my friend.

De opdracht

Als groep ga je op zoek naar informatie over vier aspecten van het leven van edelen in de middeleeuwen.

Spreek onderling af wie welk aspect onderzoekt.

Je onderzoek moet resulteren in een korte presentatie aan de klas.

De aspecten zijn:

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