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Leven in de middeleeuwen

Een queeste voor de brugklas van scholen met tweetalig onderwijs

De ridders

Good Morrow, Traveler! I am Sir Henry, a knight and the second son of Sir Bartholomew of Ives. I live in a grand manor with my wife of seventeen years, Katherine, and my four children, Jacob, aged 15, Sarah, aged 12, Amy, aged 9, and Nicholas, aged 7. Jacob is studying to be a knight under the care of my lord, the Earl of Wedgewick. Nicholas will join his brother in knightly training in a year or so, under the tutelage of my brother, Robert. Katherine is busy overseeing the preparations for Sarah's upcoming marriage to the son of Lord John. My wife and I are certain Cedric will make an excellent husband for Sarah, and Sarah will surely agree once she meets him.

Ah, but you would like to learn about life in the Middle Ages would you not? I can tell you how the government works, and how we communicate with people who are far away. Being a knight myself, I can also tell you how I became a knight and a bit about weapons, armor, and heraldry. And since I come from a noble family (all knights do you know), I can tell you about our daily life, including where we live, what we wear, and what we do in our free time. Of course, I can also direct you to other links about noblemen, castles, and knights as well. 'Tis your choice my friend.

De opdracht

Als groep ga je op zoek naar informatie over vier aspecten van het leven van edelen in de middeleeuwen.

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