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Leven in de middeleeuwen

Een queeste voor de brugklas van scholen met tweetalig onderwijs

De nonnen
God Bless You, Traveler! I am Sister Mary Helen, a nun. I live in a convent with other nuns in the charge of the prioress. When I was born, my mother and I almost died. My father promised God that if we both lived, he would give me to the convent so that I might be devoted to God. Both Mother and I survived, Father kept his promise, and here I am to be your guide.

As a nun, I can tell you much about the way the Church works and how it influences people's lives. I can also tell you of the Crusades, the Holy Wars the Church backed. Of course, I could tell you about nuns and monks and how we live. And because I was well educated, I can tell you a bit about literature during the Middle Ages. If you'd like, I can also point you towards other links you might find useful. 'Tis your choice my friend.

De opdracht

Als groep ga je op zoek naar informatie over vier aspecten van het leven van nonnen in de middeleeuwen.

Spreek onderling af wie welk aspect onderzoekt.

Je onderzoek moet resulteren in een korte presentatie aan de klas.

De aspecten zijn:

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